Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I am hoping to go to Abuja this august to meet the family of my intended....... At this time, I am still waiting on arrangements to get a plane ticket, (can you believe it). Well watin man go do, so I jus dey here dey look, dey see if this trip go possible. To add stress to the situation are all the extra noise coming from outside the relationship. I wonder........, if it is such a crime to have international relationships why do we have all the technology available to us?????? Many believe you will never really get to know the person unless you spend time with them. OK, now tell me, how much time is enough time???????, and to add insult to injury a disclaimer is added- "not that the man won't leave if he wants to later but at least you put in the time to know him before you decided to marry him". I f the man will one day lose his mind and walk away from me, then there is no need for me to worry myself about knowing every single thing about him. I have already spent time with him and I know required information that will allow me to make a decision for today, as it says in the bible tomorrow will take care of its self.

I am an addict to wedding websites cause I have to plan a wedding in Nigeria that will have the NYC feel but cost less than buying a brand new car(no matter the brand). I realize that Nigeria may seem economically inefficient, but everything cost as much as living in the projects of NYC. It amazes me that a New York chick that feels she is holding down her own when she hangs out with the nite crowd in the city, has to go get a brand new wardrobe just to travel back to Nigeria. The fashion in Nigeria can cause a NYC sister to go broke, tying to be fly on the local streets of Lagos, Port Harcourt, Ibadan, talkless of Abuja. One has to come home correct or else you might be left in the dust........... The last time I went home was this January, I got the opportunity to travel to different places and take in the sites and the people. I could not believe how beautiful Abuja was... I actually fell in love and was about to relocate immediately. Then I remember say I get job for new york and I no get work for abuja. Since then I have learnt that getting work in abuja is not a walk in the park.

For many females abroad, it seems since 2005(for me any way), Nigeria is the place to meet and marry a Nigerian man with the sense of responsibility and love a man should offer a woman. The question is what about the women in Nigeria, do these men not see them?????. During my last trip I saw and met so many beautiful, well educated and sophisticated Nigerian women. Also What happened to the Nigerian men that live abroad, are they running from their women???????

Matt 6:34 So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.


A Kel called Wonder ...... said...

My sista havent u heard that the sea weed is always greener in somebody else's lake. The people abroad like to come home to marry. The ones here want janded wife. Its not worth trying to figure out.
Is tis ur wedding near lagos cos if yes i will dust my shoes and come joo. Life is a sucess if u make it out to be. Just be prepared for a lil difference in mentalities btw u guys but if ur easy going and ready for marriage and settling down, nne u will succeed of course with God as the master of it all. Keep us posted i will visit ur blog to see how far.

Friend of God said...

interesting piece indeed. From experience, naija can surely cause one to go broke wherever you are coming from.
And you can become the first female president, but it surely will take more than just believeing it.

Ms. Catwalq said...

on to better gist
YOU are getting married.
who's doing your dress. WANG, SAGOE, AMBER or David's Bridal?